Humic Acid Based Products

Soil Doctor

When we talk of nutrition in agricultural system, we should focus on the main component that is soil. We all know, soil is the stomach of crop. If the stomach is good then ultimately the crop will also be good. Due to reduced fertility and depleted organic carbon level we are unable to produce even at world’s average per hectare production. Therefore, we emphasize on soil reclamation. Making soil healthy and fertile is the mantra for enhance crop production.

Humic acid and its derivatives, such as fulvic acid, are intended to be used for soil remediation and reclamation. Therefore, we have formulated humic acid and its derivatives in different forms for ease of application to our farmers. The main aim is to initiate white root formation. Its use also accelerates macro- as well as micro-nutrient uptake. It balances pH of the soil through cation exchange. It improves soil fertility through increasing soil porosity. We have following Humic acid based products to take care of soil reclamation.


Soil Doctor is combination of humic and fulvic acids. It contains more humic acid (22%). For few cash as well as floricultural and horticultural crops, nutritional demand is more than other crops. So these crops need something more which can be satisfied through Soil Doctor. It can be applied through drip or by drenching.

Dose of application

2-3 liter acre

Available packing sizes

1 liter and 5 liter
