Micronutrients Based Products


Mainly three types of nutrients are essential for crops at their different stages of cultivation. These are classified on the basis of their amount of requirement to the crops. These are primary or macro (N, P and K) required in larger quantity, secondary (Ca, Mg and S), required in medium quantity and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Mn, and Mo) required in micro/lesser quantity. In our state-of-art R&D centre we have different combinations of micronutrients as per Maharashtra State Grade Micronutrients fertilizers. We have developed micronutrient formulations for soil as well as foliar applications. Micronutrients also act as co-factors for many enzymes involved in photosynthesis and other physiological and metabolic processes of crops. Micronutrients play crucial role right from development of roots till flowering and fruit setting.


Alkopulse is an amino chelated liquid Maharashtra State Grade X micronutrient mix fertilizer. It contains (%w/v) Zn (5.0), Fe (2.5) B (0.5) and Mo (0.1). Alkopulse is developed for efficient absorption of micronutrient in alkaline soils (pH more than 7.0) during pulses cultivation. Use and application of micronutrients in pulses at different stages, improves flower bearing and pod settings. It also enhances proportion of oil in oil seed crops.

Dose of application

2 ml/liter

Available packing sizes

500 ml and 1 Liter
