Micronutrients Based Products


Mainly three types of nutrients are essential for crops at their different stages of cultivation. These are classified on the basis of their amount of requirement to the crops. These are primary or macro (N, P and K) required in larger quantity, secondary (Ca, Mg and S), required in medium quantity and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Mn, and Mo) required in micro/lesser quantity. In our state-of-art R&D centre we have different combinations of micronutrients as per Maharashtra State Grade Micronutrients fertilizers. We have developed micronutrient formulations for soil as well as foliar applications. Micronutrients also act as co-factors for many enzymes involved in photosynthesis and other physiological and metabolic processes of crops. Micronutrients play crucial role right from development of roots till flowering and fruit setting.


ZinkoX is a suspension concentrate which contains Zinc (Zn Min. 39.5% w/v) derived from Zinc oxide. Zinc is one of the most important micronutrients required for healthy growth of all crops. ZinkoX plays important role minimizing zinc deficiency in all crops. ZinkoX brings greenery to crops by helping in formation of chlorophyll. ZinkoX also plays vital role in auxin formation and thereby enhancing stem elongation and vegetative growth. Use of ZinkoX is vital for all Zinc sensitive crops like sugarcane, sweet corn, rice and other cereals and pulses.

Dose of application

400 ml per acre in 100 lit water

Recommended crops

Cabbage and Cauliflower (4-9 leaf stage), Cereals and Pulses (2 leaf stage), Maize and Sweet corn (3-8 leaf stage), Onion (After 35 days), Sugarcane (After 15 days and at deficiency symptoms), Grapes (Flower buds, flower separation and fruit setting), all floricultural crops like roses, gerbera, carnation etc. (0.5ml/lit) at bud setting

Available packing sizes

100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter
