Biostimulants Based Products


Biostimulants and plant growth promoters mainly consist of seaweed hydrolyzed and amino acids. Seaweed derived from Ascophyllum nodusum are nowadays used in agriculture for uplifting soil fertility profile and vegetative growth of crops. Seaweed mainly contains crop growth promoting minerals and alginic acid. Through these active ingredients, seaweed extracts/hydrolyzates help crops to chelate various macro- and micro-nutrients. These chelates or complexes can be absorbed by crops whenever needed. We have indigenously researched and developed unique formulations by using seaweed in the form powder or liquid as an active ingredient. Our formulations help crop to fight various biotic as well as abiotic stresses.

Amino acids are building blocks of all crops, just like human beings. Nitrogen can be absorbed in the crops through amino acids only. Amino acids can be a source of Nitrogen, which is required at all stages plant growth. Amino acids help in photosynthesis and thereby making crops green and healthy. For bumper yield of various crops amino acids are necessary. Different vegetable crops responds well to amino acid based foliar sprays.


e-Cal is amino chelated calcium (12%). e-Cal is highly recommended to be used at flowering and fruit setting stages. Application of e-Cal helps to overcome the deficiency of calcium. In horticulture, application of e-Cal forms a layer around fruits and keep them protected from sucking insect bite and few fungi. Being amino (nitrogen 4%) chelated product it is completely absorbed by the crop.

Dose of application

1 gm/liter

Available packing sizes

100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm and 1 kg
